New Build Home Design Tamborine MountainNew Build Home Design Tamborine Mountain

Example Garage Conversion, front home extension, carport and internal alteration design plans, Ormeau, Gold Coast

Gold Coast Garage Conversion Design Plans

The following example home extension, garage conversion and carport design extends the front of the house, converting the garage and constructing a new carport with storage area to the side. SKETCH3D provided full 3D design and drafting services for this Gold Coast client.

The owners of the home required larger bedrooms with robe space rather than more bedrooms, much of the existing footprint of the building was used for this, however to get more space in the living room and to create a study nook the front of the house was extended. The rear two bedrooms were combined to form a larger single bedroom with a robe / dressing area.

The garage has been converted to form a new larger master bedroom with an ensuite and walk in robe. Part of the garage conversion was also used to create an entry to the extended front bedroom as well as direct access to the carport, keeping the living room separate from the bedrooms.

The owners still require sheltered accommodation for their cars after converting the existing garage to a bedroom. A carport has been designed to the front with a storage area to the side. To get the most out of the space available, the carport is pushed towards the front boundary, within the limits generally accepted by Gold Coast Council. However the front house extension crosses the minimum building setback, a boundary relaxation will be required. The area of the relaxation is indicated on the site plan.

The existing roofline of this house wasn't ideal for the front extension, therefore to close the roof over the new front home extension the roof design has been altered to have three gables, a main gable over the wider part of the house, a smaller gable over the front bedroom projection and a further smaller gable over the porch. This also allowed the character of the original house to be maintained. The roof over the carport was designed as a Dutch gable to match the original character as well as allowing for a higher facade against the falling terrain, thereby keeping the new and existing eaves lines and avoiding difficult or awkward changes in gutter heights where they would otherwise not be suitable for this design.

This house is constructed from mostly face brick, bricklayers are expensive and should be avoided in designs where practical, to keep costs under control, alternative cladding materials have been selected, avoiding the requirement for too much bricklaying other than areas where the appearance requires matching elements.

The design and drafting services included an interactive 3D walkthough at no cost to the client, used to explore and assist in the understanding of the design rather than trying to read 2D plans alone. A massive advantage for builders and home owners.

View further example home extension, carport and conversion plans.

For your own "Grand Design" Contact us for a free quotation or call 0406 807833

Garage conversion, Carport & house extension plans - 3D Visualisation - Sketch render effect

Gold Coast Garage Conversion, house extension and carport plans - Sketch 3D render

Projects involving external works benefit from 3D views as part of the drawing package to explain the design intent to all contractors as well as a cover sheet to the design documents. Black and white / greyscale to keep printing costs and file sizes low. The sketch render effect is easier on the eye than hard line CAD drawings, explains the design intent and avoids the distraction of details that are covered in technical working drawings.. - Return to top

Garage conversion, carport and home extension design - Site Plan

GoldCoast Garage Conversion and home extension Site Plan

When drafting a house plan, extension, renovation project or garage conversion design, a site plan is required, showing the relationship of the house from the boundaries, the location of the works, site coverage and important site features that will affect the building application. This building design on the Gold Coast extends the homes footprint to the front, crossing the 6m minimum setback, this design requires a boundary relaxation. Carports are generally allowed up to the front boundary subject to approval. When assessing a site, its important to find out if there is any fixed infrastructure than can't be reasonably modified, such as the sewage connection point. Moving or cutting back these points can be prohibitively expensive and only light weight construction will have any chance of getting permission to build over. In this case, the house connection point to the sewer and the sewer main is well clear of the proposed building works with only some landscaping within the area affected. - Return to top

Garage conversion, carport and home extension design - Existing Floor Plan

Existing Floor Plan - Ormeau-Gold Coast- Garage Conversion and Carport

The existing floor plan is drafted showing the relevant areas of the house as it stands.before the garage conversion, carport and home extension design has been applied - Return to top

Existing house elevations - Sheet 1

Gold Coast garage conversion and carport design - Existing elevations sheet 1

The drafting of the existing house elevations are important to convey to the building contractor what currently stands. - Return to top

Existing house elevations - Sheet 2

Gold Coast garage conversion and carport design - Existing elevations sheet 2

The drafting of the existing house elevations are important to convey to the building contractor what currently stands. - Return to top

Demolition plan

Demolition Plan Ormeau Gold Coast Garage Conversion and Carport

The demoliton plan clearly indicates to the building contractor major parts of the building to be removed. - Return to top

Proposed garage conversion, carport, house extension and internal alteration design floor plan

Floor Plan, Ormeau GoldCoast, Garage Conversion, Carport and extension designs

The house design has been extended to provide a larger living room, new porch and a caport to the front with a storage area. Much of the existing house footprint has been reconfigured to enable larger bedrooms rather than more rooms, thereby having a larger master bedroom with a decent sized ensuite and walk in robe, a study nook and all bedrooms having decent robe space built in. Furniture symbols are placed through the design, this allows the building designer to check the position of doorways, openings and other fittings to ensure that the room flows and function well. - Return to top

Proposed garage conversion, carport and home extension elevations - Sheet 1

Proposed Elevations1, Ormeau, GoldCoast Garage Conversion, Carport and home extension

The front and left side elevations show the proposed external finishes, the new carport and front home extension designs. Much of the design involved keeping as much of the original charaacter of the house as well as creating a design that is practical to construct.. - Return to top

Proposed garage conversion, carport and home extension elevations - Sheet 2

Proposed Elevations 2 Ormeau,GoldCoast Garage Conversion Carport and home extension design

The rear and right side elevations show the proposed external finishes, the new carport and front home extension designs. Much of the design involved keeping as much of the original charaacter of the house as well as creating a design that is practical to construct. - Return to top

Garage conversion, carport, home extension and alterations design Cross Sections - Sheet 1

Cross Section1 Ormeau,GoldCoast-Garage Conversion Carport and home extension design

The cross section through the garage conversion and carport designs show relationship between the existing and new ceiling heights and other features as well as the topping of the existing concrete floor level, the front of this house is on a slope, as this is a feasibility design it is likely the owner will want to flatten the parking space, however its important as a building design to give the home owner options and discuss what can be done, allowing the client to be involved and remain in control of their project. - Return to top

Carport, storage area and new porch extension design
Cross Sections - Sheet 2

Cross Section2 Ormeau,GoldCoast Carport and porch designs

The cross section through the carport and porch designs show relationship between the existing and new eaves lines, the proposed storage area and other features. - Return to top

Garage conversion, carport, home extension and alterations design Cross Sections - Sheet 3

Cross Section C-C Ormeau,GoldCoast-Garage Conversion Carport and home extension design

The cross section through the storage and carport designs show the relationship between the slab and ceiling heights. - Return to top

Garage conversion, carport, home extension and alterations design Electrical floor plan

Electrical floor plan-Ormeau,GoldCoast-Garage Conversion Carport and home extension design

The electrical plan shows the approximate locations of light fittings, power outlets and switches. As this is an extensive renovation and extension much of the existing house electrical system needs modification which is a great opportunity to place fixtures where the owner would prefer them to be. As part of the design process furniture is placed into the floor plan to assist in confirming the layout. The electrical items are then positioned accordingly. - Return to top

Garage conversion, carport, home extension and alterations design Roof plan

Roof plan - Ormeau,GoldCoast-Garage Conversion Carport and home extension design

The roof plan indicates the proposed roof pitches and features. As this is a home extension design the drafting required the indication of where roofs connect between new and existing. - Return to top

Garage conversion, carport, home extension and alterations design Slab plan

Slab plan - Ormeau,GoldCoast-Garage Conversion Carport and home extension design

The slab plan drafted depicts the proposed slab outline without the walls and shows waste fixture points, column positions etc. In this project the carport slabs are non-structural where as the house extension slabs are structural, requiring different levels of engineering and construction costs. - Return to top